Family law
One of the firm’s areas of expertise is family law. Our focal points in family law are:
- Prenuptial agreements
- Divorce and separation
- Divorce agreement, divorce settlement agreement, divorce contract
- Real estate in the event of separation and divorce
- Custody and access rights
- Spousal maintenance (marriage and divorce)
- Child maintenance, parental maintenance
- Equalisation of pensions
- Equalisation of gains
- Matrimonial property law, matrimonial property regime
- Parentage, paternity, adoption, law of names
In addition to general family law matters such as divorce, prenuptial agreements, custody and access rights, etc., we also deal in particular with mandates in which business assets (company, firm, shareholding) and larger real estate assets are of importance. Family law is a complex field which we cover in its entire breadth – also interdisciplinary. For example, interdisciplinary competence becomes necessary when one of the spouses is an entrepreneur.