Dr. Edgar Stein
Specialist lawyer for commercial and corporate law
- Managing Partner
- Born 1965, married, 4 children
- Studied law and economics at the University of Bonn
- 1993 Doctorate at the University of Bonn with Prof. Dr. Ulrich Huber on the interpretation of merger concepts in German and European merger control law
- 1994 Admitted to the Aachen bar
Memberships/ Commitment
- Full member of the preliminary examination committee for the award of the specialist qualification in commercial and corporate law
- Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Foundation for University Medicine Aachen
- Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the school foundations St. Ursula Aachen, school foundation Marienschule Krefeld, school foundation Blandine Merten Realschule Trier and school foundation Calvarienberg Ahrweiler
- German Lawyers’ Association
- Aachen Lawyers’ Association
- English
Areas of practice
- Banking and Capital Markets
- Finance
- Non-profit status
- Management
- Shareholder
- Corporate law
- Health and care institutions
- Commercial law
- Real estate financing
- International commercial law
- Antitrust law
- M&A
- Religious orders
- Statutes
- Foundations
- Company succession
- Corporate bodies
- Law of associations
- Boards of directors
- Der wettbewerblich erhebliche Einfluss in der Fusionskontrolle, Abhandlungen zum Arbeits- und Wirtschaftsrecht
- Zum Referentenentwurf einer Reform des Kommunalverfassungsrechts in NRW, Verwaltungsrundschau 1992, p. 389 ff.
- Kommunale Wirtschaftsförderung und Europäisches Beihilferecht, in: „Der Städtetag“, 1998, p. 362 ff. (together with Rechtsanwalt Dr. Alexander Martius)
- Lecture on the legal framework for municipal economic development to the German Institute of Urban Affairs in Berlin.
- „Eigenkapitalstärkung durch Venture Capital“ in: Wirtschaftliche Nachrichten 11/2002, p. 29 ff. (together with lawyer Thomas Schmitz)
- 2002, 2003 and 2004 Guest lectures at the Aachen University of Applied Sciences on capital company law
- May 2009 Participation as party representative in the Federal Supreme Court proceedings “Orange Book Standard”, obtaining the landmark decision that the compulsory licence objection under antitrust law for the licensee of a patented industrial standard is admissible in patent proceedings
- Lecture within the seminar series of the Economic Development Corporation at the TPH Herzogenrath on the topic „Kleider machen Leute – Das richtige Rechtskleid für Ihr Unternehmen, Aktuelle Gestaltungsempfehlungen zur Rechtsformwahl“ on 17 April 2013
- „Zukunft der deutschen Erbschaftsteuer“ in Wirtschaftliche Nachrichten 12/2014, p. 40 f.
Dr. Edgar Stein
T: +49 241 51055 215
F: +49 241 51055 267
Secretary’s office: Marion Debye / Tamara Büngeler
STEIN & PARTNER Rechtsanwälte mbB
Maria Rast
Bischof-Hemmerle-Weg 9
52076 Aachen